Father: 13-1219300. Grandson ‘Jonge Witbuik’.
206. Nat. Perpignan – 4.027 p. 2016.
263. Nat. Perpignan – 5.589 p. 2015.
355. Nat. Barcelona – 4.505 p. 2017.
992. Nat. Barcelona – 5.239 p. 2016.
Grandfather: NL08-1268780. Son 'Jonge Witbuik’.
Father of:
206. Nat. Perpignan '16.
263. Nat. Perpignan '15.
355. Nat. Barcelona '17.
Strong inbreeding to
in 'Witbuik’, 81-120.
3 generations of descendants won
1. Internat. perpignan.
He comes from NL91-2129010. ‘De Jonge Witbuik’.
X the NL04-1993157. Daughter 'Witbuik 153’.
Mother of 19. Nat. perpignan.
Grandmother: B02-9074991. ‘Beauty’.
Mother of:
2. Nat. Ace Pigeon Barcelona 2007-2008.
34. Nat. Barcelona.
44. Nat. Barcelona.
She comes from the B93-624793. ‘De Perpignan’.
X of B94-9157309.
Mother: NL13-1219405. Granddaughter ‘Witbuik 153’.
22. Nat. Barcelona – 5.239 p. 2016.
552. Nat. Agen – 6.638 p. 2015.
975. Nat. Cahors – 4.035 p. 2014.
Grandfather: B08-3190137. 'Jerry Junior 1’.
Father of
1. European pigeon Wuhan China Golden Sand Race Final-Race 33. Total.
22. Nat. Barcelona.
9. Nat. Bergerac.
6. N.P.O. argenton.
1. Duffel – 3.929 p.
He comes from the B98-3158009. ‘Jerry de Stier’.
Grandfather of 'Miss Gueret’.
X the B00-3280289. ‘Donna’. Grandmother of 'Miss Gueret’.
Grandmother: NL05-1338601. Daughter ‘Witbuik 153’.
Mother of:
22. Nat. Barcelona.
49. Nat. perpignan.
164. Nat. Maroon.
Nest sister of 05-602:
Is father of 16. Nat. Bordeaux – 12.423 p. 850 miles.
She comes from NL94-1340153. ‘Witbuik 153’.
X the NL98-2549502. 'Daughter 2. Nat. Dax'.
great-granddaughter'Witbuikdaughter of 2. Nat. Dax – 4.620 p.