Big Pete & The Barcelona Hen, Racing Pigeons From The Netherlands, their story and family tree.
Big Pete, a qualmond racing pigeon, with a black/white tiger-like pattern all the way through his feathering, the pattern was present during molt, before and after, such a color is not common among high quality racing pigeons, a typical racing pigeon would be blue or blue with bars on the wings, in this case, the multi tiger pattered pigeon has been bred from one line to a high quality line, each breeding pair was matched based on colors, size, bloodline and the overall quality of the bird. The father, Big Pete is a full size pigeon, he will fit firmly in your hand, a fighter by nature, he would fight you from all positions, inside the loft and in your hand, he was very dominant towards other pigeons. It appeared Big Pete had no friends in the loft, a sort of a strong hardy man with his own position right at the door like a security guard. Some fanciers told he was one of the most dominant pigeons they had seen.
Big Pete found love with a top Barcelona Hen (NL22-8300479), she came from the line of Jelle Jellema, X Balotella and her family tree has a long list of winners, that hen is also a firm fit with a excellent structure, closed vents and strong, super wings and a super pigeon. The pair had several youngsters in late 2022 and 2023. All of the youngsters had the camouflage style of Big Pete and the elegance of the mother.
At the end of 2023, we have given them a rest from breeding and the youngsters are now pairing up with even better lines.
One of the youngsters from Big Pete and the Barcelona Hen, the youngster, a hen was entered in the young bird race and on the very first race she was position 11 out of 87 pigeons, that hen we named as The Gatekeeper as she was so bossy and like Big Pete, such a dominant pigeon in the loft, she was a fighter from morning to night, so much so, the local club believed she was a cock. When The Gatekeeper went to the Pigeon Hotel Loft, for a short stay, even the loft manager was convinced she was a cock, after the summer, the Gatekeeper paired up with a cock with strong marathon and lines and bred many youngsters, most of them went to local lofts and one pair to Dubai, all of these youngsters were again like warriors and had that tiger like patterns. Almost all of them were white and black expect for one, The Black Panter, he is pure black without a white trace at all, The Black Panter was the first youngster to leave the loft and was the first one of the youngsters to figure out the loft drinker, the first to take a flight and overall he seems to be a smart pigeon.
In January 2024, the remaining children of Big Pete and the Barcelona Hen are going to race as yearlings in the 2024 race season which will start in May 2024, The Black Panter & The White Beast. These pigeons are not the same as the rest of the pigeons in the race as the rest of the pigeons would come from traditional lines and would be of course, blue, so time will tell how they will perform.
The GateKeeper, a super hen with a silky feeling on the feathers, so soft and a waxy, oil like feeling, such a super pigeon, a real racing pigeon that was raring to go each morning. The GateKeeper flew every day, with her first flight out of the loft around 0900h and she was always back in at 1600h, she regularly flew for periods of 20 minutes then taking a rest and flew more.
The GateKeeper paired up with a Netherlands born Race Pigeon from top middle distance lines, the cock an 22NL ringed cock with a long family tree in middle distance and from the very best of a loft in The Netherlands, this pair had top youngsters.
Currently in my loft are other pigeons with top bloodlines, from New Harry to Best Kittles, but these champions are the top of the line in racing and we know they can make it, we cannot expect Big Pete to compete with the top bloodlines in pigeon sport, but… its not impossible and when a black & white pigeon has the capabilities to take on a champion then I really have a smile and something to talk about. Thanks for reading and if you would like a pair of youngsters from Big Pete, contact me and I will arrange it.