Who doesn't know Lex de Jongh? As the owner of the online auction house GPS and the pigeon weekly Het Spoor der Kampioenen, he is well-known in the pigeon world both domestically and internationally. Additionally, he is a passionate and successful pigeon fancier himself, having flown strongly for many seasons with only young pigeons, with Team GPS being one of the top lofts to beat within amalgamation 3 Oost-Brabant. Last season, it was decided to compete with old pigeons in 2024, and now in 2024, they are among the top players in amalgamation 3 again with only a team of yearlings flown on total widowhood.
From the first flight, their performance was impressive, culminating in the second race from Chimay (194 km), where they obliterated the competition with an unprecedented provincial result against 16,639 pigeons: 1-2-3-4-5-7-8-12-16-18, etc., with 43 out of the 63 pigeons entered winning prizes. This past weekend, Team GPS won the top prize again in the National Middle-distance Grandprix race from Sens (411 km) against 7,101 pigeons in amalgamation 3, with an impressive 2-minute lead over the second place bred from a grandson of Olympic Hans.
The winner of this Grand Prix flight is the yearling hen "Lia", NL23-2339428, who accomplished this remarkable feat. "Lia" was certainly no novice, as she had already achieved several good prizes. Once again, it proves that good blood doesn’t lie.
Her father is a direct Eijerkamp cock "Nardo", NL21-1668909, who is a grandson of both Olympic Hans and "Murphy's Law".
The mother of "Lia" is a direct Hooymans pigeon, a granddaughter of Harry (J.Hooymans). Immediately after her glorious victory, the hen was named after Lex's recently deceased mother "Lia", and it’s certain that Lex is now extra proud of this top performer.
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