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The Eijerkamp Racing Pigeon Quality Criteria, to determine quality of racing pigeons.

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In the following narrative we let Evert Jan Eijerkamp speak as he explains what Team Eijerkamp pays attention to in the selection of racing pigeons.

"Pigeon racing is a fantastic hobby" is a popular saying with which Evert Jan agrees and adds "Pigeon racing is an extraordinarily beautiful hobby".

Evert Jan states that the bromide that we have all heard, "we know nothing about pigeons" is to a greater or lesser degree true. The legendary Piet de Weerd often said: "The basket is always the best selector!" Yes the basket will tell you if you have good or bad pigeons, but if you have many pigeons like Team Eijerkamp you cannot depend only on the basket, because you naturally not only breed with the top pigeons but also with children out of these class pigeons. There are many examples of good pigeons that were bred out of pigeons that had not raced all that well. That is why over a period of many years we have developed an extremely professional and strict selection system. The pigeons must satisfy seven criteria before we move them to the breeding loft. This is a total concept which we and Team Eijerkamp use to select all our racing pigeons here in Brummen called the Eijerkamp Pigeon Quality Criteria- EPQC.

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